I can see the harmful effects of boredom just by watching my cats. A bored cat will often walk around the house talking to himself, eat too much, lick all the fur off his belly, become aggressive with his siblings, or engage in what we humans consider destructive behavior. Even the sweetest, gentlest house cat is still a predator deep down inside. So it seems with us humans as well. We are movers and shakers, not necessarily carnivores like cats, but we have a purpose in our lives and it’s often easy for us to lose our way in this digital age and let boredom and cheap diversions lead us down pathways that are sometimes mostly harmless but can metastasize and become destructive to ourselves and those near to us. My wife is disabled and relies heavily on television for entertainment. We also read together and have some very interesting conversations, for which we’re both grateful. My wife is absolutely amazing, wonderful, beautiful, and I would never complain about her—she treats me like a king. But some of the shows she loves really get on my nerves, so we each have our own private space. I have a lot of hobbies, and I love to read and make musical instruments in my shop. Sometimes I’ll kill two birds with one stone by playing with my cats. Chasing their toys gives their predatory nature a chance to emerge in a non-destructive way, and it’s a great source of pleasure for me as well. Often when I’m bored I just sit and think, and sometimes I’m able to solve problems great or small. Your essay has given me a lot to think about, especially with advancing age and failing health. How will I continue to improve myself when I’m no longer able to read for hours on end, or craft things from wood in my shop, or play my guitar because of my arthritis? Thank you, Good Doctor, for sharing your wisdom on this problem that we all must face in our lives.

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Hi Rafael! Thank you for taking the time to write some reflections. Just sitting and thinking sounds like a good one. When I'm bored, I do that too from time to time. But in most cases I would read. That's why I share your concern around the possibility of not being able to read long hours at some point. Hope that we will all age healthily.

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